The Negev Dogs website provides links to rescue groups in the Negev and other regions in Israel. They desperately need your help, especially now, during the war.

Jerusalem cat, photographer:
Ilan Lev Tov
War effects animals as well. Sanctuaries and rescuers all over Israel need your help! Thousands of dogs & cats need to be fed, many dogs and cats are injured and need medical treatment.
The dogs and cats lived under rocket fire and sound of explosions. They are traumatized, injured and hungry. The rescuers get little or no help from the government, they depend on donations and help from volunteers. But there are few donations at this time, since Israelis struggle to get by during the war. Please consider donating to this cause.
On this site I provide basic information about some of the rescue groups in Israel, so you can contact them and try to help. I do not post scary pictures, or pictures of injured dogs and cats. So, don't worry, I want you to have a pleasant experience visiting this site.
You can also help the Israeli SPCA that has very limit capabilities, they have a shelter in Tel-Aviv with limited space. SOS Pets does incredible work, I highly recommend to donate to them. They do not have a physical shelter but look for foster home and permanent homes for the rescue dogs and cats.
Saving dogs from the war zone
Please help the organization Glass Walls
to continue saving dogs; who enter Israel
from Gaza! The dogs require rehabilitation
and medical care.
To learn more visit this page.

Israel has a huge stray dog and cat population. Thousands of dogs and puppies live in in the Negev region, in harsh conditions. They go to sleep in landfills and industrial zones. The government does nothing to help. The animal rescuers help as many as they can but there is no physical shelter in the Negev. The veterinary bills are expensive, feeding them is expensive. Your donation will help them save more lives. Negev towns that need help are Arad, Beersheva, Yeruham and Eilat.
Also in the Otef Aza region, they are creating a new sanctuary for animals and a healing place for people. They are fund raising and need your help. (This region is close to Gaza)

This puppy's name is Milky. He lived in harsh conditions in the desert near Yeruham. Bat EL rescued him and brought him to a Pension for dogs. It is expensive, but Bat EL has no choice, since there is no SPCA at this location. She also has to pay veterinary bills for Milky and other puppies. The goal is to find Milky a permanent home, but it takes time. Meanwhile Milky is playful and happy. Visit the Yeruham page to learn more and support Bat EL, so she can feed and rescue more dogs and puppies in the city of Yeruham.

Arad LeHai does incredible work rescuing and helping stray dogs, puppies, cats and kittens. They do not have a physical shelter. They depend on volunteers and your donations to continue saving lives. They also need large amounts of food, to feed the dogs in the Negev desert.

At the start of the war, Animals from the Ashkelon clinic were moved to a shelter in Kfar Ruth. The problem is that the shelter is overcrowded. There are already 200 dogs and cats staying in Kfar Ruth. Adoptions are needed and financial support to care for the dogs & cats.
"Let the Animals Live" helps the dogs, they also distribute food for cats in the war zone, in southern Israel. They need donations urgently to feed and sterilize the cats.